Steve Macey is a Consultant supporting states in tax reform and extractive industries governance. He has worked across the public, private and not for profit sector for a wide range of clients in multiple destinations. He commenced his career as an Economist at HMRC working as an analyst on Corporation Tax, including for the fiscal regime for North Sea Oil and Gas. Since a two year contract advising Sierra Leone's Ministry of Finance and Economic Development from 2010-2012, he has been head hunted by each new employer based on personal experiences of work colleagues. This includes Adam Smith International, where a newly invented role linking the Revenue Reform and Extractive Industries Governance services was created for him to fill in 2014. He was promoted at the first opportunity into the Senior Management team for both of these teams at Adam Smith International and remained at the company until entering self-employment in September 2017.
At Adam Smith International, he managed a Mining Sector Development project in Ethiopia which earned praise from World Bank counterparts. He project managed and worked as tax policy advisor on DFID’s Revenue for Prosperity project in Sierra Leone, for which he was selected to receive a ‘Highly Commended’ British Expertise Award on behalf of the team. He successfully pursued a sole-sourced project to support a new World Bank technical assistance project in Nigeria and managed the resulting project. In Laos, he project managed a World Bank project advising the Government of Laos on the mining and hydropower fiscal regimes. Finally, he was selected by the company to manage its first project in Saudi Arabia supporting the Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs with municipal revenue collection.
Prior to Adam Smith International, he has worked at Crown Agents, where he supported projects in Albania and Liberia and developed their extractives business by successful pursuits of projects in Ghana and Mongolia.
Steve Macey
Tax Reform
Extractive Industries
Frontier and Emerging Markets
Steve Macey Consulting
Steve Macey
Tax Reform
Extractive Industries
Frontier and Emerging Markets
Steve Macey Consulting (September 2017 onwards)
November 2020 to December 2020: Vivid Economics
Supporting Indonesia’s Medium-Term Growth Strategy by conducting desk research on Indonesia’s relative performance on social and natural capital.
November 2020 to October 2021: International tax economist, Asian Development Bank:
Supporting the Armenia Ministry of Finance with undertaking an analysis of tax expenditures, particularly relating to VAT exemptions and zero-rating, and recommending policy reforms.
September 2020: Vivid Economics
Supporting bid for some UK ports to be granted ‘free port’ status by UK Government by analysing import and export figures, researching how free ports have accelerated innovation in other contexts and researching industry clusters near Grangemouth, Scotland.
July 2020 to March 2021: Tax Policy Advisor, Cowater-International, DfID Tax Transformation Project, Ethiopia
Analytical support on revenue forecasting, tax expenditures and developing a policy partnership between the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Revenues
June 2020: Consultant, Alpha Sights,
Several ad-hoc short-term consultancy assignments relating to VAT policy in the Middle East
June 2020: Bid Review, Crown Agents:
2-day bid review for DfID Sierra Leone PFM and Tax project
September 2019 to May 2020: Senior Manager, Global Fiscal Policy, PwC
Fixed-term nine month contract supporting the Global Fiscal Policy team in business development and the management and delivery of projects. Managed development of the full business case for NHS Scotland eRostering project and two DfID Trade Advocacy Fund projects, plus published blog post on the fiscal challenges for developing countries arising from Covid-19.
May 2019 to August 2019: Macro-Fiscal Advisor, Macro Fiscal Policy Unit Development Project, Saudi Arabia, Adam Smith International
Evaluating the current strategy, functions and organisational structure of the MFPU, a crucial unit in the Ministry of Finance and supporting MFPU in revising strategy, establishing new processes and organisational reform.
May 2019: Exploring opportunities for tax technical assistance in Nigeria, Crown Agents
Conducting two-week mission to Nigeria to evaluate tax reform project opportunities for Crown Agents in Nigeria.
April 2019 to May 2019: Two Oceans Strategy: Economic Impact Modelling
Developing a simple excel model to estimate the total economic impacts (direct, indirect and induced) from mining, oil and gas and energy projects for private sector clients of Two Oceans Strategy.
April 2019: Adam Smith International: Bid-writing for EU PFM project in Malawi, April 2019
Writing country context and understanding of the terms of reference for a EU tender for a PFM project in Malawi
November 2018 - January 2019: Consultant, Adam Smith International: Identifying opportunities for DFID tax reform projects in Jordan and Liberia,
Desk-based analysis, evaluating the potential for DfID to develop new tax reform programmes in Jordan and Liberia, and proposing potential entry points for successful DfID tax programmes.
August 2018 - December 2018: Consultant, Green Fiscal Policy, UN Environment.
Supporting UNEP’s work on use of fiscal policy to support the green economy and mitigate climate change, including writing policy briefs for greening the fiscal regime for mining and best practice in the taxation of pollution. Co-ordinating with Government of Kyrgyzstan on the potential for green fiscal policy to support its green economy ambitions.
July 2018: Consultant, Extractives Hub, Adam Smith International, DfID.
Advice to Afghanistan’s Ministry of Mines and Petroleum on international best practice for copper royalties and use of free carried interest in mining projects.
June 2018 ongoing: Consultant, Cowater-Sogema,
Independent validation of the 2017 Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) process in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Chad and Malawi.
December 2017 - May 2018: Consultant on Artisanal Mining Taxation, Liberia Revenue Authority via Overseas Development Institute Budget Strengthening Initiative.
Two missions to Liberia leading on a paper advising the Liberia Revenue Authority on how to increase revenue from artisanal mining and enhance domestic value addition from mining sector.
October - December 2017: Consultant, IMF TADAT Mid Program Evaluation, Adam Smith International
Evaluating the success of the IMF's tax administration diagnostic assessment tool by interviewing stakeholders and analysing the impact of the TADAT project.
October 2017: Consultant, DFID Extractives Hub, Adam Smith International
Desk-based analysis to quantitatively and qualitatively assess Sierra Leone’s mining fiscal regime relative to other countries.
September - November 2017: Consultant on Mining Tax in Kyrgyzstan, Natural Resources Governance Institute
Desk-based analysis on the options for introducing a corporate income tax for the gold sector in Kyrgyzstan and the viability of a smelter. This included the use of Fiscal Analysis for Resource Industries (FARI) model to evaluate options.
Manager/Senior Manager – Revenue and Extractives, Adam Smith International (October 2014-September 2017))
Laos: Project Manager and Fiscal Modeller, Mining and Hydropower Fiscal Regime, May - September 2017
Project Manager for World Bank funded project to support Government of Lao PDR on the fiscal regime for mining and hydropower. Managing 6 person team and leading on the modelling of fiscal regime impact on revenues.
Saudi Arabia: Project Manager and Economist, Municipal Revenue Collection, March to May 2017
Project Manager for support to Ministry of Municipalities and Rural Affairs on the introduction of municipal fees. Managed relationship with partners, Buro Happold, and coordinated technical inputs from team members analysing various fees.
Nigeria: Revenue Potential Study for PAYE in Kaduna State, DFID, January 2017
Economist estimated revenue potential from automation of PAYE revenues in Kaduna State. This involved gathering and analysis of data in Kaduna State and back in the UK, before producing revenue potential estimates.
Nigeria: Project Manager and Analyst, Nigeria Mineral Diversification Project, September 2016 – February 2017
Project Manager for World Bank project evaluating the status and potential of Nigeria’s mining sector to guide a new World Bank mining sector project. This included a Mining Investment and Governance Review (MInGov) where Steve was the junior analyst in a two person team, as well as supporting the Economic Analysis of the sector with a local economist.
Liberia: Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment of Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), June 2016
Member of team conducting IMF’s Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT), specifically leading the assessment of Revenue Management and the public reporting of LRA finances and operational plans.
Global: Content writer for fiscal issues in extractives, Extractives Hub project, DFID, May 2016 - Present
Writing content on extractives fiscal policy and administration for DFID’s flagship Extractives Hub project managed by ASI.
Nigeria: Scoping Demand, UK Partnerships, DFID, May 2016
Scoping demand amongst Nigerian Government institutions in extractive industries for partnerships for UK institutions
Global: Business plan modelling, The Mining Investment and Governance Review (MInGov), World Bank, May 2016
Modelled options for the management and delivery of the World Bank’s Mining Investment and Governance Review.
Sierra Leone: Tax Policy Advisor, Revenue for Prosperity, DFID, February 2016-April 2016
Embedded in Ministry of Finance identifying and analysing ‘tax expenditures’ to support the broadening of the tax base.
Liberia: Project Manager, ITAS Implementation in Liberia Revenue Authority, World Bank, 2015-2016
Supporting the implementation of Integrated Tax Administration System in the Liberia Revenue Authority, a project attracting media praise from counterparts -
Ethiopia: Project Manager for Mining Sector Development project, World Bank, 2015-2016
Project Manager advising Government of Ethiopia on policy and legislative options for the mining sector. Managed 6 person team to ensure successful delivery of reports described by World Bank as ‘very well written policy options report for the mining sector’, where ‘the level of detail is great and the report puts forth some very good recommendations’.
Sierra Leone: Tax Policy/Extractives Advisor and Interim Project Manager for ‘Revenue for Prosperity’, DFID, 2015
Acted as Interim Project Manager and supported the design of the tax policy and extractive industries work streams by evaluating current status in this area and advising on necessary reforms.
Sierra Leone: Project Manager for EITI Value Chain Analysis, GIZ, 2014-2015
Project Manager for project advising EITI Secretariat on steps needed to become compliant with the 2013 EITI standard.
Afghanistan: Extractive Fiscal Policy Advisor, Technical Assistance for Ministry of Mines and Petroleum, DFID, 2014-2016
Provided remote ad hoc advice on fiscal policy papers for the mining and petroleum sectors.
Presentations at Conferences and Media Coverage for Adam Smith International
Uganda: ‘Improving systems to unlock revenue transparency’, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, March 2017
Barbados: ‘Improving dialogue between taxpayers and tax administration’, Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA) Technical Conference, November 2016
Seychelles: Paper Discussant, Africa Tax Research Network Conference, September 2016
UK: ‘Revenue from taxable sources’, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, December 2016
Malaysia: ‘Implications of BEPS for extractive industries’, CATA Technical Conference, November 2015
‘Making the ‘Addis Tax Initiative’ a reality’ – Article on Guardian Development Zone, July 2015
Botswana: ‘Principles of extractive industries taxation’, CATA Technical Conference, November 2014
Seizing opportunities in the extractives sector’ – Article on Guardian Development Zone, November 2014
Crown Agents, Consultant – Tax and Extractives, July 2013 – September 2014
COMESA: Economist, COMESA Customs Union, World Bank, 2014
Analysed the revenue impact of the introduction of a common external tariff for ten COMESA states.
Mongolia: Economist, Mineral Export Procedures project, World Bank, 2014
Evaluated the institutional processes surrounding mineral export procedures and advised on simplification.
Liberia: Extractive Industries Revenue Workshop, Crown Agents Foundation, 2013
Prepared, facilitated and managed a workshop on ‘Maximizing revenue from extractive industries’. Delivered two presentations; on Sierra Leone’s Extractive Industries Revenue Taskforce and one on mining revenue forecasting.
Albania: Economist, Albania Customs Administration Project, Albania Government, 2013
Analysed recent customs revenue collection relative to neighbouring countries to support benchmarking for the project.
Independent Consultant, October 2012 - April 2013
Sierra Leone: Consultant, Mineral revenue administration project, Revenue Development Foundation, 2013
Supported revenue reconciliation between the revenue authority and the National Minerals Agency in order for mineral revenues to be published on online repository. Required compilation and analysis of data provided by revenue authority.
UK: Evaluating Sierra Leone’s governance of extractive industries, Consultant, Natural Resources Charter, 2012
Evaluated extractive industries governance in Sierra Leone relative to the principles of the Natural Resources Charter.
Sierra Leone: Economist, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, October 2010 – October 2012
Led the Extractive Industries Revenue Taskforce, a multi-stakeholder reconciling mining revenues. This improved data-sharing between the Revenue Authority and Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources to assist development of Sierra Leone’s Online Repository of all mining licenses. Liaised between the Ministry and the IMF’s technical assistance programme, including the design of an Extractive Industries Revenue Bill. Initiated and led the mining revenue forecasting taskforce which used project-level data to forecast revenues.
UK: Assistant Economist, HMRC, October 2008 – August 2009
Quantitative modelling and qualitative analysis of HM Treasury tax policy proposals, including for the North Sea Oil and Gas Industry and the introduction of a £1.6 billion investment incentive (40% first year capital allowance) in the 2009 budget.
2015 onwards
Completed 2 of 3 modules required for Advanced Diploma in International Taxation:
Principles of International Taxation
Upstream Oil and Gas Taxation
Qualified Assessor for IMF's Tax Administration Diagnostic Assessment Tool (TADAT)
Masters in Economics and Public Policy
University of Bristol
Philosophy, Politics and Economics
University of Oxford
HMRC Economist analysing HM Treasury tax policy proposals
Advisor in Sierra Leon's Ministry of Finance for two years
Project Manager for municipal revenue project with Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs.
Green Fiscal Policy Consultant for UN Environment
Project managed three World Bank mining sector projects in three distinct environments (Ethiopia, Nigeria, Lao PDR).
Technical contributor to DFID Extractives Hub
Advised Liberia Revneue Authority on artisanal mining taxation
EITI Validations 2017 for Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Chad, Malawi
Work experience across a range of jurisdictions, including Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Liberia, Ethiopia, Laos and Albania.
Lived and worked in Sierra Leone for two years.
Experience of working with governments, international organisations, donors, not for profits and private sector .